What is MCT oil?

MCT oil is a supplement made from fats called medium-chain triglycerides.

The MCT molecule is smaller than the molecules in most fats (long-chain triglycerides [LCT]) you eat. This makes them easier to digest. You can quickly absorb the MCT in the blood. This will convert it into energy you can use. It is also a high energy source for sports nutrition, incapacity or the elderly. MCT is more like carbohydrates than fat, so it is mainly used for energy burning rather than fat storage.

Where does it come from?

MCT oil is usually made from coconut oil or palm kernel oil. Both have MCT.

If you replace LCT with MCT, you can store less fat and prolong satiety. If you are not so hungry, you can eat less. If you use MCT oil instead of coconut oil, you may consume fewer calories.

Although the research is promising, there is not enough data to show that MCT oil causes weight loss.

MCT can help your body make ketones, which are a source of energy for the brain without carbohydrates. Some people say that drinking it will make your mind sharper. However, if you do not have cognitive impairment, it is unlikely that you will get lasting brain stimulation just by adding some MCT oil.

A study of premature babies showed that adding MCT oil to formula milk can reduce a fungus called Candida, which can cause infections.

MCT can also help soothe and treat skin infections. The lauric acid in MCT can be used as an antibacterial agent, breaking down the walls of bacteria and viruses to destroy them.

MCT and the ketogenic diet

When you break down fat on a very low-carbohydrate diet, your body produces ketones. This can lower your insulin levels and help you burn fat. MCT can help you make more ketones than LCT. This may help you enter the fat burning phase faster, but we are not sure.

You may find it easier to stick to the ketogenic diet of MCT because you can eat more carbohydrates such as fruits and vegetables.

MCT risk

It is generally safe to use MCT oil in moderation. But be careful when using it for a long time. Some negative effects include:

It has a lot of calories. This can lead to weight gain.

Large amounts of saturated fat may increase your cholesterol.

MCT may stimulate the release of hunger hormones and make you overeat.

High doses Newsmay cause fat accumulation in the liver.